March 24, 2010

We're Tagged!

Hey darlings!

The lovely Yummy911 tagged me on my last post. At first, I will admit, I had no clue what that really meant. Thank god for a fellow bloggers expertise (you know who you are). *blushes*

So apparently I am supposed to indulge you all with seven fun facts about myself. Hmmm...

Here we go!

1. Even though I have been doing makeup for 10 years, I am also a licenced esthetician.
2. I went to film school after high school (and worked in the industry for a while).
3. I speak fluent Greek.
4. I can play the saxophone.
5. I have ten stars tattooed on my person.
6. I (almost daily) get told that I resemble Sara Ramirez from Grey's Anatomy. And on a trip to Vegas got harassed by a potential fan.
7. On the aforementioned trip to Vegas, was on the same flight home as Axl Rose from Guns N Roses. *awesome!*

1 comment:

COCAMIA said...

So how does this work? What do I do? LOL! Not so sure. . .